Welcome to the Education Energy Portal. You will find all our trainings and programs below for how you can maximize your impact in your University. Enroll today and get a complementary strategy session!
Redesign, Realign, and Realize Your Greatest Goals with Education Energy University

Apply to e²University Masters Program and gain access to one on one mentorship, Breakthrough Strategy Sessions, and all the resources below

'The idea of harnessing Education Energy and not letting it get thrown into the trash each semester is genius.' Jane McGonigal
Get ready to be part of a movement that is transforming Students and Schools around the world! Learn how to make use of the projects you complete in school, make more money, and begin creating a future in line with your passions NOW.
5 years of ground breaking research has led the Education Energy Team to developing a program that gives students the power to make their school projects interesting- meaningful- fun- and most importantly REAL.
There is nothing worse than doing tons of work on something you know will end up in the garbage! Purpose driven education means that the work you do has a greater purpose than just a letter grade.
We are bringing a fresh perspective to school as we remind students that you can take control of the work that you do! Education Energy University is bringing a structured framework to students with a real-world, service-oriented approach that students can instantly use to make a difference in their classrooms, communities, and early careers.
The teachers and counselors job is to help get you through the system! The system is designed for efficiency not effectiveness- That means the system is a funnel to get you through school as quickly as possible- with as many other students as possible! The system is NOT designed to help you find your purpose in this world, nor is it a tool to help you create a passion filled life! It cannot because it is a standardized, systemized, categorized approach to educating people!
YOU ARE UNIQUE and deserve a specialized, individualized, and creative environment to turn your true passions into your profession and you also deserve the opportunity to find your purpose on this planet while you are investing all this time and energy into developing yourself!
Be part of the new breed of young entrepreneurs, innovators, creative minds and leaders!
Our program is designed to help you achieve just that! We have developed a cutting edge curriculum that is designed to work within any school, with any student, with any major or in any grade. This program is for people that want to make a difference in the world. If you are the type of person that wants to have a purposeful, passion filled, and epic life, then join this program immediately. Do not wait until you graduate- for then it will be too late!
This program is not for you if you don't care about your future, or you just want a degree so you can go get a random job in a cubical. with Effectiveness and Optimization-our goal is to not waste any of your work- but rather to use it to establish your reputation in a unique industry or market.
Education Energy University Includes the Following Programs and Resources
Put Your School Work To Work and Stop Wasting Time On Projects That End Up In The Trash
Isn't it crazy that 60% of recent graduates cannot find a job relevant to their major. In today’s over saturated and global job market- what sets you apart from the rest of the competition? In this program you will cultivate the Skills they never teach you in College! Download the Audio Program NOW and Listen to the program between classes! This program will help you develop the mindset to find opportunities everywhere you go!
Our Step by Step Audio Program designed to: Design your Ultimate Lifestyle starting with school, Cultivate Street Smarts in your school, Take a holistic approach to transforming your life, Align your research projects with your passions, Connect you research with your industry niche, Design your own curriculum and homework, Build a business or get any job, Get your foot in the door of your dream career, Start on your path to becoming an expert.

Turn Your School Into a Tool To Make Your Dreams Come True
Redefine, Realign, Redesign 60% of recent graduates cannot find a job relevant to their major. In today’s over saturated and global job market! what sets you apart from the rest of the competition? In this program you will cultivate the Skills they never teach you in College! Download the Audio Program NOW and Listen to the program between classes! This program will help you develop the mindset to find opportunities everywhere you go!
Our Step by Step Audio Program designed to: Design your Ultimate Lifestyle starting with school, Cultivate Street Smarts in your school, Take a holistic approach to transforming your life, Align your research projects with your passions, Connect you research with your industry niche, Design your own curriculum and homework, Build a business or get any job, Get your foot in the door of your dream career, Start on your path to becoming an expert.

Education Energy University Mentorship Program
Our mentorship program is all about adding purpose to everything that we do, especially regarding our homework (which you pay tons of money to do!). Design your Ultimate Lifestyle starting with school, Cultivate Street Smarts, Take a holistic approach to transforming your life, Align your research projects with your passions, Connect you research with your industry niche, Design your own curriculum and homework, Build a business or get any job, Get your foot in the door of your dream career, Start on your path to becoming an expert.

Just Added: Hacking Your University Education: Turn Your Projects Into Profits & Make Your Passion Your Profession
The Art of Establishing an Internship
Our brand new program- The Art of Establishing an Internship- is the future of integrating businesses marketing strategy directly into the education system.
In the highly competitive, 21st century market place, businesses are competing in an international arena to win the attention of their niche through highly sophisticated online technology, but what separates your business from the rest of the competition?
This program is a step by step solution to expanding your organizations capacity by integrating your company, and its values directly into the education system- locally and internationally. Turn your business into the textbook and start outsourcing your market research to the fresh minds of the youth.
Most importantly- turn your business into a vehicle for sustainability! This program will guide through a proven process that will turn your company into triple bottom line solution, that will inspire your market to buy from you, and not the cost effective international competition.

If you have any questions regarding any of our programs or products please do not hestiate to email us at PurposeDriven@EducationEnergy.net
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